Brother Sky--> Do not bother with this website
Very lame waste of time 
Cara ain't hittin' on nothin'

LMR-->  You may not like it, but hey, at least she has a site up. Where's yours?  
It always amazes me when people criticize someone else's work when they have 
nothing to offer themselves.

CMG-->  If Brother Sky doesn't have a website, is that a bad thing? What is the 
difference between Brother Sky with a website and Brother Sky without a website?

Answer: One more very lame waste of time.

If Brother Sky had his own very lame waste of time, would his criticism of other 
people's websites be better? What is the difference between Brother Sky's 
criticism of other people's websites and a pile of dung?

Answer: Nothing.

What does Brother Sky have to offer?

Answer: A pile of dung.

Which is better? A pile of dung or a pile of dung with a link to one more very 
lame waste of time?

Answer: A plate of shrimp is better...

....with a squeeze of lemon.

A plate of shrimp is better with a squeeze of lemon...

....than a pile of dung with a squeeze of lemon.

Imagine a plate of shrimp. Would you prefer a squeeze of lemon to go with it, or 
a link to a very lame waste of time?

Can I touch your widow's peak? Can that get you in trouble? Can I include that 
in a review? I need reviews of all clubs in North America thanks in advance. 
What have you done to increase our pool of strip club knowledge? When was the 
last time you cleaned the pool? What have you done to increase the sum of human 
knowledge of sexual perversion? When was the last time you left cum on the 
upholstery of this, our Great Rotarian Democracy? Can you leave a business card?

Where's yours?
Where's your Filofax?
Where's your Walkman?
Where's your Discman?
Where's your Watchman?
Where's your Browseman?
Where's your Peepman?
Where's your Jackman?
Where's your Lapman?
Where's your mood ring?
Where's your WIN button?
Where's your fuzzy dice?
Where's your vanity plate?
Where's your Tommy Hilfiger?
Where's your CK1?
What do you mean you don't have a business card?
What do you mean you don't have voice mail?
What do you mean you don't have an answering machine?
What do you mean you don't have a phone?
What do you mean you don't have a home?
What do you mean you don't have a life?

I've got some time to kill. Where's your website?


(Reply to cgould@ the ISP in header)