So I suppose I should report on my participation in ASSCON-3, such as it

My wife and I had both planned to attend, but after spending the afternoon
walking around Chinatown -- on top of a week putting up with a strained 
shoulder -- she decided to give it a miss and went home.  Being sort of 
headachy, I was tempted to do likewise, but decided to put in a brief 
appearance, just so I could say I did.

I got to the MSC a little after 7, figuring it was far too early to find any 
ASSCers.  I saw a few people I suspected, but no definite hits.  It occurs to 
me that some prominent-but-innocuous symbol might help.  Walking up to a 
stranger and saying "Ass-c?", especially at a strip club probably isn't a 
good way to keep in contact with your front teeth...

So I resolved to keep an eye out for people acting like Fools (note the 
capital "F".  I refer here to Fools in the Court Jester sense, though some 
people would, no doubt, refer to us as being more akin to the other kind...) 
and just enjoy myself as I would on any other visit.

Got a nice, albeit short, lap from Maha (who commented approvingly later on 
my Omaha the Cat Dancer T-shirt).  She's got the three Cs down (Cheerful,
Cute, and Cuddly), so it was a pleasant interlude.  Kind of startling to 
realize I've spent enough time there that she recognized me.  Not by name, 
but as somebody who (a) hangs out there and (b) hasn't been in recently.  
Enjoyed having her tell me to come by even if I don't have money.  "You can 
still sit out here and enjoy the show," she told me.

My headache was making me restless, so I spent more time than I usually do
migrating between the main stage and the Bangkok room (I usually spend most 
of my time in the main theatre, but I was finding yet again that it's not 
nearly as much fun when you don't have anyone to make snarky comments about 
the dancers you don't like.)

Eventually wound up spending some private time with my CF (who shall remain 
nameless here -- I don't see any reason to share _everything_ with y'all 
[especially the lurkers] -- I'll just note that she's not only mastered the 
three Cs, but knows push a limit _and_ how to work a crowd).  My mistake on 
timing, though.  I thought the lineup was over, instead of coming up, and 
things kinda got cut short.

Watched a little more of the show, and decided to call it a night when the 
feature came on -- Silicone does nothing much for me -- and spotted an 
obvious pack of Fools as I headed up the aisle.  Handing out rubber gloves 
was a pretty obvious clue.  I introduced myself -- only caught a couple of 
names, and promptly forgot one, as I tend to do.  My apologies to you, 
whoever the heck you were.  Tallguy's name I remember, but only because he 
quite emphatically is.

Watched the tail end of the feature's set -- the large dollop of lotion in 
the [un?]lucky audience member's lap made it worthwhile -- and then left as 
the pack headed for seats on the other side of the theatre.

All-in-all, I'd call it a pleasant evening, even if it didn't really go as 
planned.  Let me know if any of you plan to hit MSC again, especially when 
there's a non-enhanced headliner, and p'raps we can make an evening of it.

"What do you think, Sirs?"

This is what makes being a mutated monster lizard all worthwhile!

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