Subject: Either/Or (for Catherine the Great) 
From: idleeric 

...voi sapete quel che fa.

"That which you have loved with youthful enthusiasm and admired with 
youthful ardor, that which you have secretly and mysteriously preserved 
in the innermost recesses of your soul, that which you have hidden in 
your heart: that (ital) you always approach with a certain shyness, with 
mingled emotions, when you know that the purpose is to try to understand 
it." - Soren Kierkegaard

...In other words, what the Melancholy Dane is fumbling with in his
tongue-tied prose: Pussy! (no ital)

Subsonic, costumed as the Conductor; EYE as Don Giovanni, & Idle as
Leporello descend on the unsuspecting villagers of Rockland Co. NY -
The Conductor surveys the three stages at Stilleto's: the comedia is about to begin -

DON GIOVANNI: (sottovoce) Leporello, ove sei?
               [Tr: where the fuck is idle?]

LEPORELLO: Notte e giorno faticar per chi nulla sa gradir;..
               [Tr: i get off the thruway 2 hrs early, scope T&As, find 
                all the best pussy, and all he cares about are HOFPs]
DON GIOVANNI: Taci, non mi seccar. Vien meco, se non vuoi qualche cosa
ancor tu.  [Tr: EYE rants]

..the Conductor raises his head, then his hand with a dollar bill fashioned into an origami wand ... twos and three's, on all stages, in a harmony of satin flesh, pussys in motion, cunts stretched, cunts wrinkled, cunts closed, twat 
panting, twat squatting, etc.

LEPORELLO: Entro il sen, dallo spavento, palpitar il cor mi sento. Io 
non so che far, che far...  [Tr: This Is Great! ...idle folds a stack of 
dollar bills into a fleet of paper airplanes, as dancer upon dancer 
shoves cunt in his face]

DON GIOVANNI: (spying comely dancer who snatches his bottle and dances
nude, bottle balanced on head) Stelle! che vedo!  [Tr:! ... tips dancer 

DANCER:  m'innamori, o crudele!  [Tr: untranslatable stripper shit]
DON GIOVANNI: La ci darem la mano, la mi dirai di si... etc., etc.
              [Tr: -unnecessary- ]
LEPORELLO: Madamina, il catalogo e questo delle belle che amo il padron
mio: un catalogo egli e che ho fatt'io... (produces purloined copy of 
ALS list)

DON GIOVANNI: Da qual tremore insolito ... Sento ... assalir ... gli
spiriti ... Donde escono que' vortici di foco plen d'orror...
  [Tr: Is EYE having an epiphany??? or is he merely being flamed?]

...the Conductor departs the stage,  Furies spring up, seize Don 
Giovanni and sink into the earth with him...

LEPORELLO: Che ceffo disperato! Che gesti d'un dannato! Che gridi! che
lamenti! Come mi fa terror! [Shit, i've got to get to zebra club in a half an hour ... where's the Tappen Zee Bridge?]