(Ginger Avante')
ASSC: Thanksgiving Eve (AFTSD)
Mon, 02 Dec 1996 08:36:32


Thanksgiving Eve

It is really amazing to sit at booth #3,
Destiny's booth, 
when she is not here.  
Customer after customer walk by 
looking for her.  

They come to talk, 
occasionally get-off, 
but mostly 
just to talk.  
She has become a part of their lives.

But they are disappointed today,
since last week...
as she has been out.
They leave a bit sadder perhaps.

[Destiny is a dancer unlike any I have ever encountered.  She
remembers each of their names, their kids' ages, the intricacies or
the facets of their lives they choose to share with her.  She forgets
to collect more money when the time is up and will engagingly talk for
sixty dollars worth of time and then proceed to chat for another 20
minutes with no money in the box.]

I don't know what she talks about with them, 
but I do know she is long-winded, 
and prefers talking  to them to grinding on their dicks.
Who wouldn't?

as last week,
I sit in her spot,
the biggest and best booth,
and random men Glare at me as they pass
rarely stopping for a double-take.
I think, "Wait, Can't *I* do something for you?"
But I say nothing
I can't *be* what they came looking for today.
I can't be 'that' sincerely interested in everything each has to say
(not even interested enough to remember much of it.)

She has something very special which she shares with them.
I watch her, ask her
questions about her technique...she explains to me about her round-about
way of telling stories,
it is a game, even with her, BUT,
she has something,
It is something innate.
If she were to stop dancing,
she would still have 'regulars'
wherever she works.

It's beautiful to watch.
To watch someone wait hours to disappear into that 15'x15' room 
with the nawgahyde stage/bed/thing  
to dance, lay, cuddle, or just to sprawl upon
with this princess in white platforms.
She has an extremely sexy natural body
and her blonde-ish waves fall around her shoulders.
I think her aura is , uh, no that is just her halo.
Wait, this post is supposed to Fail To Suck,
let me dredge this out of suck-hood.

The girls are yacking amongst themselves,
the customers are lurking, hiding in the shadows, some.
I snack on some raw veggies and coffee.
WAIT, Justine just asked me, completely out of the blue and very
"Ginger, you wanna come over and spank my boyfriend for me?"
WTF?!  I am ROTFLMFAO at this point!
She adds, "I am afraid to, I don't want to hurt him."

Someone just came into my booth for the $2 explanation of shows
and proceeded to invite me home with him.
NO teddy-bear,
NO catchy fool-proof opening lines.
Just an invitation.
He says he *does* in fact
come in here to pick up a girl to bring home,
and further, that they *do* in fact go home with him.
If that is your phantasy, 
I will go along with it,
but you'll still have to cough up some bucks, 
and the phantasy still ends when you leave, alone!

Friday 9pm
There are at least 11 or 12  girls here no win the booths and the
Showbar has just opened.
Probably 20 bar dancers will come and go between now and 2am when the
bar closes. But, alas, 
I am here till 4am in the booths.  There's two lurking customers and
11 pretty bored women waiting, chatting,
eating.  I have done a few shows.
Nothing terribly exciting or amusing from my end.  
Did have to ask one guy to shower before coming in next time, to which
he replied:
"Yeah, I have been noticing that lately, Wonder why?"
and we discussed why he is more stinky in the winter.  ARGH! It's
gonna be an interesting night!

Saturday 8pm
OK, This dude comes into my booth and wants to give me $30 to suck my
Now, you all know I love to have my balls bitten, 
Everyone who ever got on IRC with us knows this, esp. Bubba.
But at work, my shows start at $40, and for even for $40, you can't
touch much,
So for someone to ask for a specific fetish show, as this,
I have to ask for more money....
It doesn't matter how much I will enjoy it,
That is not the point, I'm sorry.
If it mattered whether I enjoyed myself, then shit, I'd wind up paying
for half my shows.
Sure I would enjoy it, but ya still got to pay the piper!
That is like thinking you should get a discount if *I* get off! 

More to Come Soon!!!

Ginger Avante'
Brazen Hussy

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