Hey Group!!

Been thinking, and I am a slow thinker. They are a part of your life,
but you are not a part of their life. Wish he had posted this a day
earlier. I had just sent a nasty email to Jessica about her getting
new boobs, new boyfriend, and forgetting old friends. Watched her
dance for 5 years.  Drank beer with her other places(one of Wendy's
going away parties most recently.) Emailed back and forth for months,
since she got her account. I was hurt not to hear from her. Still,
'eat shit and die', was not one of my more clever word choices. After
reading our fellows post, and thinking about it, I realized I had no
reason to expect anything. She has been doing her job(and doing it
very, very well). And I am a customer, nothing more. I of course sent
her an apology card with a dozen roses. But I have not been back to
see her. I do not intend to give up going to strip clubs.

I have been to the other local club, Club Cabaret. Saying hey to many
ex-Big Als dancers. They say they make more money and management
treats them better at Club Cabaret. Perhaps the subject of another
post. Those of you wondering about me and Cara, well it was very real
to me, but the years have passed. Last summer when I saw her and she
was so worried about getting me out of the club before Cameron came to
work, well , pretty much set me down in reality.

Jessica of course sent me an angry email in reply. Informing me of how
busy she was getting on with her life and Cara never cared a thing for
me and thought I was a freak. Of course Cara never turned down a
single dollar I gave her. Which of course is the reality of it all.

Oh well. This summer is my 25th High School reunion. Maybe seeing old
friends will cheer me up. I stopped back at Big Al's this afternoon.
In the old days, Cara, Morgan/Jessica, Kendra, Alena were all there.
Today, Pat the waitress was the only one I recognized. I hope all the
others are doing well.

(oldfool because I am. 72 because its the year I graduated from high
school and the year Cara was born.)
